About Tambra

Tambra Moore is a digital and traditional artist from Texas. Ever since her mom discovered her illustrating story problems in her math homework, she has found ways to use art to find interesting things about the mundane. She has a B.S. degree in Computer Science from the Univeristy of Utah and she served an 18 month mission in Lima, Peru for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Her love of Spanish, hearing people’s stories, and finding new ways of seeing the world come through her work. She has studied techniques from various books and taken online classes for 15 years in the quest to tell stories better through illustration. Some of her favorite teachers have been Aaron Blaise, Dan Dos Santos and James Gurney. Her art can be found on her Instagram account, MooreArtTami, or on her Facebook page, Tambra Moore Art. She has a supportive husband, is the mother of one newborn and finds wonder everywhere she looks. She can often be found with a sketchbook in hand, drawing as fast as she can to get ideas (or people) down on paper before they move.